Introduction of project to Richmond County with successful launch
Canso is moving towards Peer Circle Support model
African Nova Scotian Steering Committee established with clear direction to provide more afro-centric support and services as well as more knowledge about gender-based violence.
All communities appreciate the wellness and healing circles and learning from other cultures (over 90% satisfaction with events).
Project communities continue to engage survivors (73% for 2021-22)
More work needed to build the capacity of survivors to engage in leadership roles in community
Creating Community-Based Opportunities for Wellness and Healing
Wellness activities continue to be well received in all communities
Women comment on how being with other women is increasing wellness, confidence, and healing
Peer Circles are integrating peer support with wellness, crafts and other activities
Creating a Network of Culturally Responsive Service Providers/Partners
Truth and Reconciliation event in Guysborough
Presentation by Michael R. Deny
Need to learn more about the history of ANS communities and impacts of systemic racism and how it impacts survivors of gender-based violence.
Canso Celebration held in August 2022
Planning for a Culturally Response to Trauma forum next year
Creating a Culture of Safety and Healthy Relationships
Bystander training – great resource for the communities, but low participation
Suicide Intervention Program well attended, but needed more community members
Challenging to get commitment from participants who are already busy and challenged
Overall project coordination
This year was one of change for the project team. Two new co-directors becoming oriented to their roles and this complex project. A Project Manager was assigned, and the Project Coordinator’s role was changed to be Indigenous Knowledge Transfer Coordinator.
Weekly team meetings are providing added support to Community Facilitators and allow for better planning of collaborative activities. A focus continues on “support the supporters”
Website will provide more public sharing of upcoming events, resources, monthly blog of highlights from each project to improve communication and knowledge sharing
This project has provided unprecedented opportunities for learning and capacity building for the team members and their communities. Coady course, workshops, webinars, peer support training etc.